More Traffic More Sales Through Pinterest


Pinterest Management

Hand your Pinterest Management over to an expert and start getting quality traffic into your funnel, faster.

👉 Do you have a successful products, services, course, programme, membership or digital product, and just need a little help getting it in front of the right people?

👉 You understand the power of Pinterest and you want to have pins that perform for your business again and again.

👉 You would love Pins that continue to drive quality traffic back to your website and funnel for months and years into the future (and you might have already had some success with this).

👉 You’re wondering what possibilities could be achieved if you had a Pinterest expert managing your account for you.

98% of Pinterest users have tried something new they discovered on Pinterest… significantly higher than the 71% social media average

Our clients are our main priority, and we are proud of who we have teamed up with. See below for a few examples of the brands we assist.

Stop Wasting Time!

⏰ When you’re a busy business owner, sometimes taking the DIY approach can be the hardest and most time-consuming path to take, especially when that half-completed Pinterest course you looked at in 2019 is already out of date.

⏰ It can leave you feeling uncertain and confused and take up far too much headspace when you need to be focussing on other things in your business.

⏰ Perhaps your Pinterest is absolutely rocking but the time it takes to manage your account is taking far too much of ‘you’ away from your biz.

⚡ By managing your Pinterest account for you, we can help free up your valuable time and headspace and you can feel confident in knowing that Pinterest is going to become a traffic generating machine for your website.

⚡ Unlike other social media platforms, where the lifetime value of a post is very limited, your Pinterest pins will perform for you again and again for months… and years!

⚡ The sooner we get started managing your account, the sooner you start to see those subscribers and buyers rolling into your website

“After investing many, many hours on my Pinterest account I managed to get a steady stream of traffic to my site. But I didn’t have time to do all the things so I dropped my Pinterest activity.

About a year later Pradip has helped me revive my dormant account and warm it up ready for the launch of something new. Now I don’t have to do my own pinning, it’s like gaining an extra day or two in my week!”

Laura Robinson, Worditude

The lifespan of a pin lasts months and even years. By deciding to outsource your Pinterest management now you can enjoy repeat traffic to your website without the daily stress, long into the future.

Monthly Pinterest Management

Unlike other Pinterest management services you may have seen, my packages contain all Pin creation and paid-for scheduling software. This means that once we’ve completed our on-boarding process you won’t need to do anything else!

What's Included

Investment: $499/- per month


Frequently Asked Questions

Pinterest will work for your business if...
  • You’re targeting women aged 20-59
  • You have a great website or blog for catching leads & sales.
  • You are ready to scale and grow your online audience.
  • You want traffic, and lots of it!
Pinterest might not be right for you if...
  • You’re serving a small local area (marketing in bigger cities is fine!)
  • You don’t have a good website.
  • You can’t wait 2-3 months for results.
Industries that do well on Pinterest...
  • Home decor
  • Interior Design
  • E-commerce (Etsy, handmade, beauty, etc)
  • Online Fashion Boutiques
  • Bloggers (parenting, fashion, DIY, home, marketing, etc)
  • B2B professionals
  • Wedding businesses
  • Jewelery & Fashio Bussines
  • Basically anyone targeting affluent, educated women nationally!
How long will it take for me to see results?

Pinterest is a long-burn and it can take typically between 3 – 6 months for your account to warm up and start pulling in traffic to your website. Once the traffic starts coming in you’ll see the difference in your Google Analytics.


I don’t have many blogs on my website, can I still use your service?

That depends on if you are planning on creating new ones while I’m working on your account… Pinterest favours regular fresh content, and this includes links to your website – so the more fresh blogs or products you can provide, the better. If you don’t have much content and your website isn’t optimised for Pinterest then I may suggest that you improve those areas before we can begin to work together.

I don't know if my business is right for Pinterest

When you get in touch with me, we’ll have a chat about your business and your ideal customers/clients to decide if Pinterest is worth your time. You can also read my blog to help you decide.


I’m not sure if I need someone to do it for me or if I should do it myself

That’s why it’s a good idea for us to have a quick chat first, if you do decide to DIY then We can help you get up to speed with one of our other services.