5 Pinterest Tips for Interior Design Brands

Interior design and home decor are one of the top niches on Pinterest. Pinners use Pinterest to find inspiration, ideas, and products.

In fact, 85% of Pinners say Pinterest is where they go before they start a new project!

When you use Pinterest to market your home design or decor business, you are reaching your target market right when they are searching for ideas. This gives you the opportunity to connect in the prime decision phase of the buying process.

Why Pinterest marketing?

Pinterest is a visual platform that creates a unique opportunity for interior design brands. You create beautiful spaces and things, Pinners are looking for inspiration, some might say, it’s a match made in heaven!

Using Pinterest to raise awareness will be a simple way to attract and reach a whole new audience who is actively searching for what you offer. If you are wondering how top designers get their work to go viral and grow awareness and credibility for their work, then Pinterest might just be the perfect platform for you! 80% of Pinners say they have discovered a new brand on Pinterest and 97% of searches are unbranded, which means even if you’re a small business you get the chance to compete with the big hitters in your industry.

Pinterest helps you reach more of your audience in a targeted and strategic way.

Know Your Niche

There are a lot of interior designers and home decor brands out there, what makes you unique? Figuring out what sets you apart is an important step in any marketing, but especially on Pinterest. You will use this as a guide to creating your Pinterest Strategy. Understanding and having a good knowledge of who your audience is and what they are looking for will make all the difference. Here’s a few things to know about your target audience:

  • What problem are they trying to solve?
  • What are they looking for?
  • What inspires them?

Research Your Keywords

Pinterest is a search and discovery platform, which means you have to really focus on the keywords your audience is using. You will want to research Pinterest trends, high-performing keywords, and what others in your industry are doing. We always suggest creating a list of your top 50 keywords. This can be a mix of super broad and more specific keywords, starting with what you want to be known for and then using wider terms to show up in big searches. For example, if you’re an interior designer who focuses on modern homes, you would want broad keyword terms like “Modern Kitchen ideas” and then more niche keywords like “Modern Kitchen Light Fixtures” or “Modern Living Rooms” and then something more trendy and niche like “Japandi Lighting”.

Your keywords will change depending on the pin, but having a good list to work from will help direct you as you start your pinning strategy.

Check out our guide for How to Find Your Pinterest Keywords that Will Bring You the Most Traffic.

Optimize Your Account

Once you have a good list of your top keywords, you will want to use them to set up and optimize your Pinterest account for business. You will use keywords in your bio name and description, your board names and descriptions and in any pins you create. Take the time to get your account set up correctly so you can get maximum results from your Pinterest efforts.

The below example is from one of our home decor e-commerce clients, The Light Factory. Ashlie and her team create stunning handmade bubble chandeliers and custom lighting. We tried to pack as many keywords into the bio name and description as we could!

Board names are another place you want to make sure you have keywords. You can have as many boards as you want as long as they are relevant to your brand. Every board tells Pinterest how you want to be classified.

This is the board list for one of our home decor bloggers. This account focuses on kitchen design, so you will see broad terms like “Kitchen Ideas” and more specific terms like “Cream Kitchen Cabinets”. We wanted to have board names that covered a whole area of expertise.

Blog Your Work

You might be wondering what blogging has to do with a Pinterest marketing strategy, but it’s one of the best ways to boost not only your Pinterest marketing but your SEO in general. If you’re an interior designer, we recommend blogging every project in your portfolio, including all the beautiful photos of your work and any before/afters. If you’re a home decor company, then use your blog to showcase design trends and new products. You can use a keyword tool to stay up to date with what people are searching for and use it to guide your blogging strategy. Blogging and content creation helps establish you as an authority in your industry and help raise awareness.

Many people think blogging is super time-intensive (and it can be!) but even a minimal amount of posts can be a big boost to your traffic. You can also hire bloggers easily at places like Upwork or Fiver.

When we start working with a new client we always provide 10 blog posts or content ideas to help them develop a marketing strategy!

Consistently Pin Your Work/Product

Continually find new ways to pin your work or your product. If you’re a designer, you should pin your projects continually. Make sure you use targeted keywords based on the style and type of project. If you have a home product, try and get user-generated content or lifestyle shots of your product in use. If you’re a home decor blogger, create new graphics consistently for your blog posts (even the old ones!). It’s also good to add your logo to any photos you pin so you increase awareness as your pins take off.

Pinterest wants us to pin fresh content, so new photos and videos will always play the best. Get creative and create new content with your old photos when you can.

Want to stay in the know about Pinterest marketing? Get our Pinterest Tip of the Week!

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